Exercise: Image Development

Exercise: Image Development

This exercise is all to do with taking the content of an image and altering it by cropping the image. This can often result in hugely different perspectives of the image and can offer different interpretations. 

For my image, I chose to take an illustration from the concept art of Civil War. This marvel film has a whole host of different characters all on screen and I thought would be perfect for this exercise as it has tons of content and opportunities to present in different ways. The original image has a lot of action going on in all areas with the main focus being Captain America and Iron Man in the centre. They are at the centre of this conflict so it makes sense that they're at the centre of the illustration. When you look at the illustration as a whole this connects everything together. It defines the teams. What is said in the project text is that Hot colours demand focus. From this image you can see the bright red of Iron Man's suit and the red of captain Americas shield create that focus centre stage, this is then brought through the illustration with the red force field in the top left-hand corner and the red in and blue in everyone's suits.

The first image I chose to crop was this one. It shifted the focus to the more muted colours, the main focus of this image would be Black Panther and Winter Soldier at the bottom, they are framed in front of the two characters in the sky and this isn't noticed as much in the original image However once you isolate this side you can see the visual hierarchy more clearly, the artists have used smaller characters to enhance the background.

This image isolates the two main characters, here was can really focus on the anger in Cap's face and show the internal struggles of these two heroes. It is a very colourful image with very bold red and blue colours providing a nice contrast. There is also large amounts of white space around these two, this is to keep them from blending into the crowd and giving them space to be noticed and shine. 

I chose to crop this way to experiment with colour, the most colourful part of this image is Cap's shield, it's interesting to see how even when it is placed to the side it is the first thing that the eye sees. It becomes the main focus of the image even with only being a small part of it.

This image adds in a small side of Iron man we can see their fight however because of the way it is cropped they no longer become the focus, I would say that they blend into the fight more and there isn't a clear focus. These two just look like two other guys punching each other.

This image continues with that idea but crops out the bottom half giving Iron Man less centre stage.

I wanted to throw in a really obscure crop, this image just shows the legs of our heroes, however, there is still so much action going on and so much movement, it maintains the original chaos just from a different perspective.

This next crop uses it to its advantage, by cropping the image this way I am creating motion and adding to the action.

This next crop isolates Iron Man and adds a sense of mystery to the image, we don't know what he is punching but it is something, even when it is this zoomed in there is still a sense of action just with the pose.

I think this image is more context base, I think it showcases the power of these two heroes and really what they are capable of, they are seen as background characters even if they are the most powerful.

This last crop just shows the other side of the battle but this time Iron Man is the main focus, you still get the red of his armour and the sheild so it pulls the focus to the right of the image and you then have the other characters almost charging in from the left hand side.


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