Exercise: Illustrating visual space
This exercise was all about composition and creating it by altering the: scale, position, and space of images. To begin with, I went through the project text and highlighted a lot of the important info.
I then went onto sourcing the images and beginning to arrange my compositions.
Throughout the images I created, I also wanted to focus on the visual aspects of the image as well and producing something with visual interest.
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For image one I played on the idea of the Lauren Child illustration on the page. In this illustration, there is a classroom full of children and they are all aligned horizontally. There is then another child leaning into the classroom. By doing this there is a sense of visual hierarchy, we look at the boy first because he is the most dynamic, it then leads into the building and the tree.
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For this image, I wanted to play around with scale and visual hierarchy. I have placed the tree in the foreground of the image and then the building and boy behind it. That way the tree is large and proud and also gives the whole image a dynamic as everything isn't just displayed in a straight line there are things in front and behind each other.
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For image 3 I went crazy, I had all 3 images diagonally and this allowed the image to be chaotic and give a sense of danger as if everything is falling. I think this is an effect on the brain as falling is dangerous so it instils that same feeling seeing an image of something falling.
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For image 4 I tried again to play around with scale, however, I had the boy halfway off the page, this played into the hands of the rule of thirds. The brain sees things that are not in the middle first. That's why the boy is the main focus, it also makes the person viewing the image feel the boy is really close.
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For this image, I added a pink horizon line. This acted as a floor for the tree and building and created distance between what was on the floor and in the sky.
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For image 6 I then still used the horizon to provide a floor however I tilted everything diagonally. This gave the image a sense of speed and if it was heading in a certain direction especially because the boy is running.
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Image 7 happened to be my favourite image. It used scale to make a really big child. First I used accurate proportions. I altered the size of the building so that you couldn't see the top, I think this adds to its size as it is almost as if it's out of view. Just the same way you can't see the tops of really big buildings in real life. I then altered the size of the tree so it was then in proportion with the building and then enlarged the boy so you also couldn't see the top of his head for the same reason.
8 |
Image 8 was the last image that I created, it uses duplicates of the building leading the eye in a certain direction. It then ends on the boy and the child who is small as they aren't the focus of the image. But because of the buildings acting as a guide, they become the end focus.
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