Exercise: French Hen
The French Hen exercise was all centred around branding, I had to re brand a French Wine/Food restaurant The French Hen. The brewery wants to provide a sophisticated and relaxed venue for the discerning drinker. The brewery wishes to enhance its reputation and image as a respectable alcohol vendor. I knew I wanted to make the place modern and professional, I think that too often new French restaurants use the same theme and colours, my restaurant was going to be exciting and would make the 'diserning' customer curious.
I started out by sketching some possible logo ideas, I usually try to go outside the box with my ideas but with this company it needs to be related to a hen. So I started drawing hens and I really like the facial features of them, I tried to use just the basic features of a hen and add them to wine glasses and bottles. I also had the idea at the bottom to have the hen as a wine glass.
On the next page I continued with the idea of using the features of a hen on a wine glass however I soon realised that this wasn't going to work and that I should move one. On this page I created one of my final 3 designs, I tried to merge a french moustache into the hen illustration I had created. I really liked this basic looking hen. I thought it was modern and clean.
On the last page I branched out a little, I was thinking of things that related to hens and thought of creating a logo out of feathers, I drew out a feather and tried to merge that with something wine related, I created a feather with the bottom of a wine glass but then something clicked and I realised I could create a negative space wine glass inside the feathers, I really liked this and thought it was quite an original concept.
I still kept drawing hens but didn't like the stlye I was drawing them in, I found a more illustrative style of hen and then it gave me some inspiration to sketch out less realistic hens. I then had the idea to combine it with grapes to keep on the wine theme.
After deciding on the logos I wanted to develop I placed them into illustrator. Now I really liked my grape logo when I sketched it out but when I looked at it mocked up I thought it looked very plain and flat, so I created a colour version.
I started out by sketching some possible logo ideas, I usually try to go outside the box with my ideas but with this company it needs to be related to a hen. So I started drawing hens and I really like the facial features of them, I tried to use just the basic features of a hen and add them to wine glasses and bottles. I also had the idea at the bottom to have the hen as a wine glass.
On the next page I continued with the idea of using the features of a hen on a wine glass however I soon realised that this wasn't going to work and that I should move one. On this page I created one of my final 3 designs, I tried to merge a french moustache into the hen illustration I had created. I really liked this basic looking hen. I thought it was modern and clean.
On the last page I branched out a little, I was thinking of things that related to hens and thought of creating a logo out of feathers, I drew out a feather and tried to merge that with something wine related, I created a feather with the bottom of a wine glass but then something clicked and I realised I could create a negative space wine glass inside the feathers, I really liked this and thought it was quite an original concept.
I still kept drawing hens but didn't like the stlye I was drawing them in, I found a more illustrative style of hen and then it gave me some inspiration to sketch out less realistic hens. I then had the idea to combine it with grapes to keep on the wine theme.
After deciding on the logos I wanted to develop I placed them into illustrator. Now I really liked my grape logo when I sketched it out but when I looked at it mocked up I thought it looked very plain and flat, so I created a colour version.
I thought adding colour, shading and highlights It really added to the logo and made it pop, I was really proud of this design, I then went and mocked up the uniform menu and shop front.
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