Assignment 5: Book Covers

For this assignment I chose the book cover brief, I really enjoyed the other book cover tasks and thought it would be a lot of fun to create more. Penguin Books has asked me to design a new house style for a collection of books on design for children and young people. They are starting with three titles; colour, photography and typography. The designs have to be recognised as a series and also be appreciated for their own individual merit. The first thing I did was decide on the style I was going to create the book covers, on one of the other units I created a photo montage, my tutor really liked this style and I thought that It would be a good place to start with my book covers. I also wanted another theme that flowed throughout the covers. I had the idea of using decades and their defining characteristics regarding the theme of the covers. I chooses the 60s, 70s and 80s. This wasn't going to be all the cover was to include but rather just a background theme that helps connect t...