Exercise: Hierachy

This exersise wanted me to design three differant pages using Lorum Ipsum.

The first page was for an interview with a TV actor, what I did was collect a bunch of differant examples of not just interviews but differant styles of TV listing magazines. Because as much as they do follow some trends, there are differant overall styles to many of the magazines. Some are less formal than others. 

After collecting some differant examples, I tried to find 3 differant typeface combinations within these designs, I knew that with the differant audiences there would be differant typefaces used.

An interview with a TV actor in a listings magazine:

These first few are using a bold sans serif font for the header, it appears most like 'Impact'. They then keep with that trend and use another Sans Serif font for the main body of text. Its a very relaxed and basic article. The majority of the text is alligned left, Although this does change with paragraphs and quotes. As well as a lot of the text being offcentered to make room for images. This effect gives the images a less static feel.

 This would be the second combination of typefaces, its a slightly more femine serif font. Has a very vogue feel, this is defiantly for a female oriantated magazine. You cant really see it clearly because its a low res image but the font used for the main body of textis a sans serif font. That is has quite small weight. The main paragraphs are alligned to the left. This is a very common theme ive seen in magazines. Many seem to not follow the justified allignement which is expected of them.

This is the final text combination, it may possibly be my favorite of them. Its a Sans Serif thin font couple with a Serif typeface for the main body. Its very clean and modern. I also like how there is chunks of text in italic and in a differant color, these chunks really break up the flow and make it less text heavy. Im also a fan of the enlarged first letter of the first paragraph, in this case the 'M'. It makes the article seem less flat.

A review of a new piece of hardware or software in a specalist computer magzine:

I thought the appropriate median for this would be a blog, thats where I could find the vast majority of PC hardware reviews, although the layout did seem the same. Although I did find some cool looking PC magazines. They varied between hardware magazines to video game mags. However what was importan was the font combinations. 

Most of not all were Sans Serif based fonts, they were clean and modern looking magazines with incredbily bold colour choices. They also centered heavily on imagery as well to enhance the text and layout on the cover. 

These first two covers have a bold Sans Serif font for the heading, this looks similar to Arial Black. Its interesting to see, they kind of have a similar layout to a fashion magazine, especially the 2nd image. The way that these once very 'nerdy' magazines have tried to become modern and slick is very interesting. These two defianlty have a more mainstream feel. The first image (PC GAMER) uses a Sans Serif font for the body text, the leading is defiantly increased within the chunk of text "THE FINAL VERDICT ON THE BIGGEST RPG OF THE DECADE" This slight increase in the leading makes it stand out more to the naked eye.

This design for the cover of a PC magazine used some of the fixed width techno font which I expected to see, it still looks modern and clean but has more techy computer like feel. There is I think 3 fonts used on the cover, its more than I would decide to use but in this case it works. I would say that the leading on the paragraph underneith "2017 tech review" is a little high, it makes the text feel sparse and as if the designer was trying to fill space.

Lastly, these are two posts from a PC blog, Its a very helvetica designed blog, all alligned to the left, nothing incredibly exciting however the content is very inviting and easy to read. Its a Sans Serif font so modern and fits with the theme. It would appeaer to be a helvetica like font.

A book review in a newspapers weekend edition:

This is my research images for the Newspaper book review, I decided to get a varied selection of newpaper articles, obviously as times have gone on, newspapers have become more modern, with the use of Sans Serif fonts and more imagery, the printing quality has also incresed as well. Furthermore the layout is consideribly differant. This is something I never considered to be modern, however you can really tell the differance between the layout of a newspaper from 1896 to a newspaper of the present day.

Final Designs:


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