Fruit and Vegetable Exercise

I have no idea why this exercise took so long to complete I just wasn't happy with every incarnation I produced. I started with sketching out simple ideas for the POS, I also browsed Pinterest for ideas surrounding fruit and veg. I found a beautiful collection of fruit and veg illustrations and loved the style. However, I've mentioned previously that I don't want to focus too heavily on the illustration on these projects and where possible avoid it and use photography instead. So I saved those photos into a separate folder. I recommend everyone does this. Whilst browsing sites such as Behance and Pinterest just save everything you like, you may not use it for your current project, but you end up creating a library. So I get to work designing, I had always envisioned from the start that text was going to feature very heavily in my POS displays and the imagery was going to be second to the text. As you can see in all of these design the text is the main part to the POS, fi...