Exercise: Visualise your ideas
This exercise focused on two things, the different ways of folding paper and how to properly visualize your ideas. Overall the task asked me to design a leaflet for an organization inviting people to volunteer for a task. The task I chose was restoring a garden for a church. Now once I found my cause I decided to experiment with different ways of folding paper and also ways of conveying information. I started drawing thumbnails to get the ideas from my brain to paper. However sometimes my problem can be that I jump on ideas too quickly, I settle very quickly. This was my sketching page I experimented with multiple different ways of folding the paper. I had an idea where I would have a square piece of paper and fold in the 4 corners, on the back It would say 4 reasons to volunteer, and each of the 4 corners would pull back to reveal a reason on an image. The full square would open up to have a full image on it. Now even though I thought that this would be an enticing and interesting ...