Exercise: Judging a book by its cover

For this exercise I had to choose a book by an author I was familiar with and design two book covers for them. I choose Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Although this is a series of books I decided to combine all of them into one books. For this exercise I really wanted to implement some other medians. I bought some pastels from Amazon to experiment with and I already had copic markers so I could use them as well. These were pieces of game of thrones related inspiration I saved, just to help create some themes and get an idea of the direction and elements I wanted to include, at this moment currently there wasn't any specific ideas for covers as I hadn't started sketching. I really like the typography on these stranger things book covers and I like how its consistent throughout. I really like how pastels look and the way artists use them, I think its a really unique art direction and it couples really nicely with a weird and wond...